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- B. L. Brunnemer
When the Dead Have It Easy Page 3
When the Dead Have It Easy Read online
Page 3
“Yeah… fine.” I picked up my painting from where I dropped it and straightened.
“I saw that you won first place in the oil paintings,” Dylan said. “That painting is pretty incredible.”
My face burned. “Thanks. How’d you do in photography?”
He held up a blue ribbon. “First place.”
“Congrats.” I started toward the door. Dylan fell in step beside me. Hades stayed put between us. Good boy.
“Wow, he really got big,” Dylan said, clearly trying to come up with something that would fill the awkward silence.
“Well, yeah, they do that.” I didn’t know how else to answer that as we stepped outside. “How is everyone?”
Asher walked around a bend in the walk way. As soon as he spotted us, he lengthened his stride.
“My friends are doing good, apparently Jake and Derrick are working on their issues,” he said. “Which has definitely put Derrick in a less pissy mood.”
“That’s good. I hope it works this time.” I looked up at Asher as he stopped beside me.
“Dylan.” His arm slid around my waist so his hand could hold my hip. “How’s it going?”
Dylan’s eyes narrowed on Asher’s hand on my hip. “Can’t complain. You?”
“Not really.” Asher’s voice was firm with an edge. His fingers tightened on my hip as he looked down at me. “The guys are waiting.”
I eyed Asher then Dylan. What was going on here? Asher had never touched me in front of Dylan before… “Um, yeah, okay…”
“See ya later.” His hand on my hip pulled me to get me going.
Somehow I ended up on the side furthest from Dylan. “Um, bye.”
Dylan’s eyes had moved to my chest. On the delicate rose gold angelwing necklace that Miles had surprised me with last week. He gestured at his own neck. “I thought I got you silver.”
My fingers wrapped around my necklace as we kept walking. “You did. Miles got me one that works with my complexion a couple of weeks ago.” It was also more delicate and simpler. More my style. Asher’s arm urged me to pick up the pace. “See ya around.” What did he care what necklace I was wearing?
We were almost back to the concert area when a chill ran down the back of my neck. I forced Asher to stop and looked around the empty pathway. No one... Just Asher and me. Then why did I still feel like I was being watched?
“Nothing.” Chalking it up to paranoia, I shook my head and started walking again.
* * *
Two hours later, I pulled up to Rory’s house. The concert had gone great and the crowd had been packed. But I was tired and ready to just curl up with Hades and go to bed. I opened my door and let him out on my side, not even bothering with the leash.
I went to the back and pulled my painting out of the back of my ’87 Blazer. Tucking it under my arm, I made my way across the bright lawn. Should I call Zeke? We were all going to Miles’ house tomorrow for a family meeting, shouldn’t I talk to him alone before then? I was at my door when I felt it. That chill running down my neck. Sighing, I set the painting down, turned and froze. A black rotting human skeleton was shambling down the street. My heart pounded in my ears, my hands broke out into a sweat. Was I dreaming? Tell me I’m dreaming. Because I can’t take having raised a zombie right now! Cold terror shot through me. Please, let the eyes be gold, please.
I was starting to take deep breaths when a car drove by, going through the skeleton. The tension left me practically sagging against the door. It wasn’t a zombie. That only left… a ghost.
I walked back across the lawn slowly. Is this what happens if a ghost rots long enough? My stomach rolled at the black sludge hanging from its ribs. I moved past the wards. It took a shambling step toward me. I couldn’t not take them to the Veil. That would just be cruel. I lowered my barriers a smidge. Memories slipped into my head. Ones that were extremely familiar. Rage burned in my heart as my will snapped out, wrapped around his neck and squeezed tight. “You sick motherfucker.” It was the serial killer. The one who attacked me at the bowling alley. I dropped.
We landed in the Veil. I rolled and got back to my feet in a heartbeat. The vines were already wrapping around his soul and sucking all the extra energy from him as if they were starving. I watched, with a heavy burning in my chest as he screamed. For once, I didn’t care that a soul was in pain. I didn’t worry over if he’ll survive. I just watched and waited.
It took longer than usual, but when the vines finally let him go he was barely an image. That’s okay. If he still had form… I strode toward him and clocked him across the jaw as hard as I could. He flew back and dropped to the grass with a sickening thud. I moved through the grass to him and stomped my heel right into his balls. His eyes bulged as he cried out. I didn’t care, the fucker was sick. He cupped his balls and curled into the fetal position. I punched him again. But I wasn’t done. I drove my foot into his gut. His face began to turn purple. After hitting him in the groin one more time, a ball of light came down from the Way.
Breathing hard, I straightened and backed up. He deserved so much more but I wasn’t judge, jury or executioner. The gold door opened. For the first time since crossing the dead, it was empty. An icy wind blasted across the Veil. Frost began to crawl from the door. The fucker slid across the grass toward the door.
His eyes bulged as he rolled over and tried to scramble away from the door. “No! No! No!”
I watched as the arctic wind blew through the Veil and moved back through the door. Slowly dragging him toward the darkness. His fingers dug into the plants, the sweat on his forehead turned to ice. The wind never touched me. Not even when I walked through the whirlwind and knelt down in front of him. He was whimpering when I met his eyes.
My hands grabbed his. “Burn in hell, Shane.” I jerked his hands from the plants. A primal scream ripped through the Veil as he was sucked into the blackness. The door slammed shut and shot back into the Way.
I pulled myself back out. When I opened my eyes and I was instantly disgusted. Shoving open the front door, I ran to the kitchen and turned on the sink faucet. I started scrubbing my shaking hands, using more and more soap. Why wouldn’t this feeling go away? I washed my hands frantically, building up a good lather. It was awhile before my hands finally felt clean.
Needing to talk, I leaned against the counter and pulled out my phone to call Zeke. Then hesitated. Zeke hadn’t been answering my calls. A knot formed in my chest. This one wouldn’t be any different. He didn’t want to talk to me, fine. But I had needed to talk to him over the last month. My temper sparked. What kind of fucking friend does this? I get needing time, I understand wanting space. But a month? That’s it.
Blood pounding in my ears, I left Hades in the house, grabbed my painting and headed back outside. The engine roared as I drove toward to Zeke’s house.
Yeah, I hurt him. I get that. But I was done with the silent treatment. Furious, I barely slowed down to turn into his driveway. Gravel flew as I slid on the road. He doesn’t get to treat me like I don’t exist!
The truck skidded to a stop. I jumped out without even turning off the engine, jerked the painting out and strode toward the house. I didn’t knock, I just shoved open the door and went straight down the hall. When I reached his room, I slammed the door open. Zeke was scowling as he looked up at me from his desk. Genetics had made Zeke scary looking with a wide brow, cheek bones and jaw. But it had always been the look in his ice blue eyes that scared people, not just that he was a giant mountain of muscle. With his black hair and blue eyes, he still made my heart pound and it pissed me off.
“I won. Since you haven’t been around, here!” I threw the painting at him, he ducked as it sailed over his head. “Enjoy it!” I turned and stormed out.
Heavy bootsteps came down the hall but I didn’t give a fuck. I was tired of this bullshit! I was about to reach my open truck door when his large calloused hand wrapped around my upper arm and pulled me to a stop.
; “What the fuck is the matter with you?”
I turned on him, throwing his arm off me. “What’s wrong with me? What the fuck is wrong with you?” I shouted. “I fucked up. I get it! But this silent treatment bullshit is fucked up too!”
“Try being lied to for months!” His face flushed.
“I wasn’t trying to lie to you!”– I clenched my fists – “I didn’t know what to do!”
“You could’ve tried fucking being honest!” His eyes blazed as his nostrils flared.
“How? I was scared!” Didn’t he fucking get it? “I was terrified that you’d look at me exactly the way you’re looking at me right now!”
“How the fuck am I looking at you?”
“Like you can’t fucking stand me!” I couldn’t keep it in anymore. “You guys are the only people in my life I care about. All I can say is I’m sorry over and over again!”
He pointed at me. “You should have told me Ethan kissed you.”
“He said he didn’t remember!” My voice cracked as he dropped his hand. “Why create a problem when there wasn’t one?”
“But he did remember, didn’t he?” The veins in his neck stood out more against his skin.
“I didn’t know that.” I stopped shouting as the burning in my chest cooled and turned into a deep ache.
“When did you kiss the others?” His hands clenched at his sides.
I scoffed. “Do you really want to know?”
“I want to know where I stand.” His voice grew deeper than usual as his eyes grew hard, his shoulders rigid. Fine.
“Asher was… we went swimming. And we kissed. I had already talked to the doctor and knew I didn’t have long.” My eyes burned as I stared at the shirt over his wide muscled chest. “I told him it wouldn’t work because there was someone else. He guessed it was you.”
“And?” His voice was like a blade to my heart.
“He said he’d step aside for you.” Tears rolled down my face. This was the end of me and Zeke. After he hears it all… He’ll never want to speak to me again.
The tears flowed faster. “It was on the cliff. The fucking demon was trying to make him jump and… I kissed him.”
“We were dancing…” I swallowed hard, trying to ease the tightness in my throat. “The night I told everyone.”
“My fucking birthday,” he spat out.
Tears fell even faster. “Yeah.” That little fact still made me feel lower than dirt. He had every right to be beyond done with me. When he walked away, it’ll be my fault.
“Why the fuck are you crying?” he bit out through clenched teeth.
“’Cause I know we’re done. You don’t want me anymore.” I sniffed and tried to take a deep breath through the anvil that was suddenly crushing my chest. “And it’s my fault.’
He scoffed and shook his head. “Not want you? Not wanting you is like not breathing. It’s fucking impossible! What the hell do you think I’ve been doing for a month? Every single day, I’d be doing fine. Then something would remind me of you or you’d call, text. Or, hell, I’d just fucking break down and listen to your messages. And then next morning, I have to fucking start all over again!”
My temper caught fire. “That’s what you’ve fucking been doing? Are you fucking serious?”
“Yeah! I’ve been trying to get you out of my system because I know how this shit is going to go down and it just leads to pain!” He turned away and paced several steps as he ran his hand through his hair. “But nothing fucking works!” He turned back to me. “I can’t fucking ignore you! Why? Why did you have to come into my life and make me fucking care? I was fine! I was getting through! Even okay sometimes!”
“Then what? I came along and ruined it?” My hands shook. “Go fuck yourself! You kissed me, Zeke!”
“Then maybe I shouldn’t have fucking kissed you!” His deep voice echoed through the trees.
It was like a blow to the stomach, it took my breath away. I stepped back away from him, my chest an aching hole. “You want me out of your life? Fine. I’m gone. Enjoy the camping trip.” Eyes filling, throat tight, I turned away and climbed into the Blazer. Refusing to look at him, I backed down his driveway and got back on the road.
Tears ran down my face the entire way home. It was hard to breathe… I sniffed and wiped my face when I finally parked outside Rory’s. In a pain filled fog, I got out and headed inside. Hades was whining at the door when I opened it.
“Hey, baby.” I scratched his ears. Fresh tears ran down my face. He’d never call me that again… Quickly, I wiped my face and headed for the stairs.
“Lexie?” Rory called from the living room. “Are you okay?”
“I’m not going on the camping trip.” My voice cracked as I hurried up the stairs.
“What do you mean?” Rory moved as if to get up.
“I’m staying home.” I wiped my face as I hit the second floor. Hades moved ahead of me and into my room. I shut the door and locked it. Then I lost it. Tears flowed down my face as I sank to the floor. Hades moved between my knees and laid his head on my shoulder. I clung to him. It was over…
There was a knock on the door. “Lexie? What’s wrong?”
I lifted my head and swallowed hard. “I’m fine.”
“Did something happen?” His voice grew softer. “Is this about the sentencing coming up?”
“No, it’s not that.” I tried to keep my voice even. “It’s something else.”
“Alright. I’m downstairs if you need me.” Rory’s footsteps headed back down the stairs.
I broke down and sobbed into Hades’ fur. The pain couldn’t last forever, right?
Her tail lights disappeared from view. The aching pit in the middle of my chest had me struggling to breathe. She was gone… It was better to hurt now and get it over with. I glared at the end of the driveway, waiting. She was probably going to come back any minute and call me an asshole. That’s what I expected. That’s what always happened before… I just needed to hold on until she left again.
“You’re an idiot.” Sylvie’s voice made me jump.
I turned to her. “What the fuck, Sylvie?”
She shook her head, her eyes hard. “You just let her leave?”
I turned back towards the driveway. No headlights. She wasn’t coming back… everything inside me jumbled together as I walked past her and toward the house. “You don’t know what’s going on.”
“Oh, so, you and all the boys don’t have feelings for Lexie?” She turned and raised a knowing eyebrow.
I stopped and turned back to her. “How do you know that?”
She gave me a ‘really’ look. “You two were fighting and neither one of you have learned volume control.”
I closed my eyes and cursed. “I don’t want to talk about this.”
“Of course you don’t.” She shrugged. “You never want to talk about the heavy stuff, Zeke.”
“It’s none of your business.” Needing space, I started toward the door of the garage.
“Just tell me one thing…” Her voice changed to the one she always used when I was in trouble as a little kid. It brought me to a halt in the garage doorway. “What was this really about tonight?”
Scowling, I turned back to her. “What the fuck are you talking about? You were fucking listening.”
She surveyed me. “I know you. It wasn’t about the others.”
I clenched and unclenched my jaw. I didn’t want to hear this. But it was Sylvie. I always listened to what she had to say.
“This was about you being scared.” She crossed her arms. “You push everyone away that you could possibly care about.”
“That’s nothing new.” I started toward the garage where my weight room was in the back. The need to hit something making me clench my fists.
“But this is the first time a girl that mattered refused to budge,” Sylvie barely even raised her voice.
I stopped.
“Zeke, if you’ve found someone who understands you, who makes you feel….” She sighed. “After the fucking hell you’ve gone through… don’t let go of her because she scares the shit out of you.”
“She’ll choose someone else.” My voice was a dry rasp.
“Maybe. If you walk away? Definitely. But then again, if you leave first then that means it’s your choice not her’s. Right?” Sylvie’s boots crunched in the gravel then echoed on the porch before the door closed.
My gut twisted itself into knots as my shoulders ached. I headed for the garage door with Sylvie’s voice in my head.
Chapter 3
August 16th, 7:00 A.M.
I turned off the engine then got out as the sun was just peeking over the mountains. After a sleepless night of pacing and thinking, I was already exhausted. Hitting the heavy bag for hours didn’t even help me sleep. I slammed the jeep door closed and headed toward Miles’ house. Sylvie’s words wouldn’t leave my head all night. They just kept eating at me. Then there was what I said to her… I needed to talk to Miles alone, he was probably still in bed…
I shut off the alarm and started across the foyer. Coffee. Coffee would clear up my head.
“Get. Out. Of. My. House.” Miles’ voice was like ice, sending a chill down my spine. I stopped in the foyer.
“It’s not yours, it’s your mothers.” The cockiness in those words... Rage pulsed through me as I stormed into the living room. Miles was dressed for the day, standing at the back of one of the sofas, glaring at the tall man. High cheekbones, a strong jaw, black hair and the same eyes as Miles.
Son of a bitch… Miles’ dad’s suit was immaculate even though it was only seven in the morning.
“No. It’s part of the trust Mother set up behind your back.” Miles crossed his arms over his chest. “One that I had access to at eighteen. One that doesn’t have your name anywhere near it.”